- Sophie and the B&C team
We have been experiencing very long lines beginning well before we open and daily sellouts anywhere from 11:30 to 2 pm. Please check our Instagram or call the store for daily updates on inventory. Max 3 per item and 10 items per order. Please see FAQ SECTION for info on CAKES AND PREORDERS
Our pastries are a three day long process, from mixing and resting the dough on day 1, to laminating with layers of butter, rolling, cutting, shaping and filling each croissant on day 2, to proofing, egg washing, baking, glazing and putting all finishing touches on day 3, not to mention all the prep that goes into the creams, pestos, garnishes, curds, etc of our constantly changing menu. It's truly a labor of love, and what makes our pastries special is so much attention to detail during each step of this laborious process. We try to serve our pastries as fresh out of the oven as possible for the most magic, and we avoid preservatives or high sugar recipes, gelatin or other tricks to increase shelf life, which is why you love them so much! These pastries are not meant to be mass produced, and our whole team is pushing to the max, working around the clock to be able to serve as many of you as we can!
We release preorders on Hotplate for pastry boxes every Tuesday between 9 am and 12 pm for the following weekend (with some exceptions during particularly busy weeks).
We advise signing up for text alerts on Hotplate to be notified when new preorders drop as they do sellout quickly. PLEASE NOTE there are at least 5K people on the notification list, so there are a lot of people running to the site right at 11 am fighting for boxes. If you are unable to checkout, it is not a glitch - unfortunately that does mean that all of the boxes are in other customer's carts who are in the process of checking out. We are working on our ability to offer Preorder Only Wednesdays more frequently, which allows us to offer more boxes each week and hopefully makes it easier to snag one.
If you preorder, you are more than welcome to skip the line and come straight up to the counter for the handoff. If you want to add anything to your order we do ask that you wait in line.
Because we have a limited production and people come from near and far to wait in line, we do limit orders to 10 items total, with a maximum of 3 per item in order to serve as many of you as we can! While we know there are ways to cheat this system, it makes us sad and we really ask you to respect this policy for those behind you in line. We think our pastries are best savored between small intimate groups of loved ones, instead of lost in the hustle and bustle of larger groups!
I want to start by reminding you guys that every day is different, and we do our best to keep Instagram stories updated when there is no line so you guys can run on over, and when we are close to selling out so you can abort mission!
These days, because our lines have been longer than usual, I would recommend coming by around 8-8:30 on a weekend, or a little later on Thursday or Friday, if you want to make sure you can get what you want! If you live close by, its always worth walking by around 10:30 or 11 am on a weekday when sometimes the line dies out and we might have a good selection left!
We have been selling out around 12 everyday for the past few months. So please do not plan to come after we open if you are making a far trip for it might be risky!!!
We are not accepting wholesale requests at the moment, focusing our efforts on producing enough for the demand at our shop! While we do see ourselves scaling up in the future, wholesale is not something we can foresee in the near future because of how fresh, delicate, and detailed our products are.
Cakes are by preorder only, and are posted on Mondays for the following weekend (starting back in Feb 2025) on hotplate.com/butterandcrumble. We are not accepting any custom requests or sizes. All inventory that we have is posted online, but feel free to sign up for notifications in case anyone cancels or we add more! We often add extras closer to the weekend if we can make them. Mini cakes are sometimes available in store when we can make them. While we are not making them regularly at the moment, that is part of our growth plans in the coming months.
We are taking a break from classes to focus on our bakery production, but are hoping its something we can return to in the future.
Follow @butter.and.crumble on IG for updates & occasional closures. For quick answers, don't forget to check out our FAQ section.